Welcome Beautiful Soul,
These offerings are designed to support you in knowing yourself deeply, trusting your inner wisdom, and embodying your unique Soul magic more powerfully and freely.
So you can shape your life in a way that reflects your true nature and desires, as a rising leader, healer and guide of the new Earth.
And so you get to thrive and enjoy life, while fulfilling your true potential and impact - be it in your work, your relationships, your collaborations, or creations.
I'm honoured to be on this journey with you,
A modern-day mystery school and temple community.
Combining live events and women's circles, resources, teachings and channelled transmissions.
Nurture your mystic identity and deep Soul, in a supportive and elevating community.
Incorporates tailored resources, teachings and channelled transmissions, combined with group mentoring for your unique needs, in a supportive and elevating community.
Guiding you to own and embody your true identity, value and role as a mystic, oracle, energy worker or visionary guide, healer, coach, teacher, creative, of the new Earth.
Develop and refine your Soul gifts and intuitive abilities, along with your authentic expression and actualisation.
Avail of personalised 1:1 mentoring alongside the Guided group space, with tailored resources, teachings and channelled transmissions, among a supportive and elevating group of women.
Taking you to your next level of expression and thriving, as a mystic, oracle, energy worker or visionary guide, healer, coach, teacher, creative, of the new Earth.
Includes access to both INNER ORACLE Temple + GUIDED Group
Recorded Wed 30th Oct, 90 mins:
A special series of Temple Events, to nourish your mind, heart and spirit.
A beautiful opportunity to gather together in sisterhood with other wise, intuitive Souls, at this end of year.
UNIQUE… HELD… RADIANCE… Can you feel the frequencies?
Touching your heart, beckoning you forth, dropping you deeper into the mystery of you...
Welcome to our Free Resources Hub, where you will find meditations and guidance materials to support your path of healing and growth, as you embody more of your true self.
Just sign in with your email address and password, and you will have immediate access to free resources, as well as any future ones we upload, in this free members area.
Refined personal mentorship for self-led women, who want to be met in all aspects of their being, and receive powerful, fine-tuned guidance in expressing their full potential.
The time has come for you to embody more of your power and potential, and finally enjoy thriving in all areas of your life and work.
Your true voice and magic are longing to be expressed.
You have a deep knowing that this will take you into your most fulfilling life, and elevate others as they ripple out into the world, but…
This self-study course offers a powerful, reusable map, to guide you through a process of healing and integrating your inner critic - a core personality structure that we all have.
It will help you clarify and release the unconscious beliefs, that are restricting your growth and fulfilment.
So you can start moving beyond self-doubt or self-sabotage, fears and frustrations, challenging relationships, thought-patterns and behaviours, and emerge into your true value and wholeness, anchored in self-trust and belief, as you fulfil your true potential.
> This course includes: video guidance, information PDFs, self-inquiry steps and worksheet, a guided meditation and energy process, and a release ritual, to help integrate your work.
A deep-dive into your VALUE and VALUES, during Venus Retrograde 2025 ★
Open to receive more Pleasure and Prosperity, as you get intimate with your Soul’s deepest desires..